Chinese Silkies
With their quirky character and wonderful silky feathers the Chinese Silkie is a wonderfully unique breed of chicken. Not only has it fabulous fluffy feathers, it has bluish black skin and flesh, 5 toes, and brilliant blue earlobes. Silkies are a small breed of chicken - quiet and docile and therefore wonderful pets for children. The earliest surviving written account of Silkies comes from Marco Polo, who wrote of a "furry" chicken in the 13th century during his travels in Asia - and they are assumed to have originated in China. They do lay well but are known for going broody and being great mums. They are wonderful foster mothers.
They come in a range of colours, and in bearded and non-bearded varieties. We currently have a mixed flock which produces splash, blue, black, partridge, and buff but will be setting up separate flocks of white, buff and blue/black/splash mixed in the future.
We recommend having at least 2 silkies in a mixed flock of chickens, as a small breed and having sight restrictive fluffy crests they can end up being bullied by larger hens. They are also not the brightest wee things and must have a warm dry shelter available as their fluffy feathers are not particularly waterproof or good at keeping them warm. Silkies, Polish bantams and Araucanas all get on well together as they all have crested heads.
They come in a range of colours, and in bearded and non-bearded varieties. We currently have a mixed flock which produces splash, blue, black, partridge, and buff but will be setting up separate flocks of white, buff and blue/black/splash mixed in the future.
We recommend having at least 2 silkies in a mixed flock of chickens, as a small breed and having sight restrictive fluffy crests they can end up being bullied by larger hens. They are also not the brightest wee things and must have a warm dry shelter available as their fluffy feathers are not particularly waterproof or good at keeping them warm. Silkies, Polish bantams and Araucanas all get on well together as they all have crested heads.